The Impact of the Enlightenment Guided Reading Activity 10-3
Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:
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Enlightenment in America
Silvia Andreykovych
Form 11 B
Schoolhouse №5
Teacher : Natali Savko
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requite people more freedom;
centralize authorities;
to abolish serfdom;
the desire to battle against ignorance, dogma, superstition;
bring greater happiness and progress to humanity;
to have all religions treated equal.
The main ideas of the enlightenment were:
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The outstanding writers
Sir Richard
-Reading is to the mind what exercising is to the body.
-Null tin can atone for the lack of modesty; without which beauty is ungraceful and wit detestable."Funerals", "True Lovers".
- A contented heed is the greatest approving a man can savour in this world.
-Reading is a basic tool in the living of a adept life."Paradise lost" , "Cato"
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The outstanding writers
Benjamin Franklin
-Either write something worth reading or exercise something worth writing.
-An investment in knowledge pays the all-time interest."Poor Richard's Almanac"
Thomas Paine
-The real homo smiles in trouble, gathers forcefulness from distress, and grows brave by reflection.
-The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.«Good sense»
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The primary aim
B. Franklin
In his philosophical views Franklin belonged to deism. Orthodox church dogma opposed the idea of "natural religion", in which the function of God was to human activity of creation
T. Paine
Attracted bold and original ideas, and publication against the slave trade, helped support the revolution and inspired the soldiers of the Continental Army.
J. Addіson
Individual liberty versus government tyranny, logic versus emotion.
R. Steele
One of the pioneers of educational literature in England. and created a number of images combined into a kind of club. -
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Their contributions in development of the Enlightenment
B. Franklin
Define the vector of historical movement.
R. Steele
Reconcile immature people in the new republic.
J. Addіson
He played a critical role in molding the public sphere in England . Major development of the Enlightenment, the public sphere enabled individual people from dissimilar walks of life to come together and of general concern.
T. Paine
Contributed to the strengthening of statehood and the germination of the American nation.
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